The wisdom of progression… Allowing God fight

The wisdom of progression… Allowing God fight


The state of a man’s mind lucidly describes the state of his life. The mind is the foundation of a typical human life upon which he can either build his success or failure as he chooses. A wrong mindset automatically equates to a wrong life-set as exemplified in the life of the Israelites who consequently didn’t make it to the Promised Land.

The state of a man’s mind lucidly describes the state of his life. The mind is the foundation of a typical human life upon which he can either build his success or failure as he chooses. A wrong mindset automatically equates to a wrong life-set as exemplified in the life of the Israelites who consequently didn’t make it to the Promised Land.
Through a blend of his salvation testimony and insights drawn from popular scriptures, Taiwo Odukoya reveals basic practicable principles pertinent to winning battles in life by simply having the right mindset. Life they say is a battle. As against popular belief, any battle can be won; it only depends on who’s fighting it. Ever wondered why the children of Israel despite their obvious weaknesses still conquered the Egyptians through the red-sea miracle?
Taiwo Odukoya goes forward to unravel this secret blueprint among other deep truths in, THE WISDOM OF PROGRESSION…. ALLOWING GOD FIGHT…. Vol. 1&2
It’s no doubt that God especially touched his tongue to deliver this powerful and insightful message.