
Did you know that God created you for blessings? Did you know that all that man would ever need was created before he was created? Man was created into a world of no

lack, a world of abundance… until the fall in the Garden of Eden. But thanks be to God who sent His Son Jesus Christ to restore man to his original position by His death

on the cross and His resurrection.

Did you know that God created you for blessings? Did you know that all that man would ever need was created before he was created? Man was created into a world of no

lack, a world of abundance… until the fall in the Garden of Eden. But thanks be to God who sent His Son Jesus Christ to restore man to his original position by His death

on the cross and His resurrection.

In Created for Blessings you will learn:

  • Who you are in the plan of God
  • Definite reasons why God will bless you
  • Specific steps to enjoying the manifold blessings of God

The reason you are where you are right now, if you are not where you should be, maybe ignorance. The information in this book will open you up for an unusual increase and great abundance.