Thursday Showers 21_03_2013
By Admin Walking in Victory
Woman, the World is Looking to You! You are the difference the world is seeking. You can inspire people to change, one right word, one right action at a time. You are the light of the world. You influence the world. The world cannot influence you. That is why the Bible refers to you as the salt of the earth.
By Admin Walking in Victory
This month, expect the favour of God to distinguish you; to pluck you out of sticky situations; to promote you above and beyond your natural capacity; to defend you. Live every day this month, and always, knowing that the favour of God encompasses you.
By Admin Leadership
Think about it. You can only gain the cooperation of others or inspire them to achieve particular goals if they trust you. And people will only trust you to the extent that they believe in your integrity and competence. It is this trust deficit that has made leadership, or the lack of it, a growing challenge in recent times. This is why your role in the world today is crucial. You have something that puts you in good stead for leadership. You have the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.