A Year like No Other

Behold, I and the children the Lord has given me are for signs and wonders in Israel. (Isaiah 8: 18)

In the wake of the New Year, it is not uncommon to find people who have resolved to achieve certain goals or desires. This tradition of New Year resolutions transcends the individual and finds expression in corporate and national settings. The reason is not farfetched: it is a new beginning. And each New Year comes with its attendant expectations and opportunities.

However, as much as the New Year presents opportunities for improvement, it can also be fraught with uncertainties. A man by nature is limited in his claim to absolute knowledge, and this is best explained by governments across the world grappling to end terrorism, poverty and economic decline. If anything, the complexities of providing good leadership and solving basic human problems in the 21st century appear to be constantly elusive.

But there is good news. We have a hope that is incorruptible, even in the face of debilitating conditions. Yes! In Christ Jesus, we are assured of victory in an era where human existence is punctuated with questions and doubts. God’s Word is unchanging and unchangeable. And by it, we are certain of hope and a future. In other words, where the natural realm is failing, more than ever, we must delve into the supernatural.

It was the English missionary Dr J Hudson Taylor who said, “We (Christians) are a supernatural people, born again by a supernatural birth, kept by a supernatural power, sustained by supernatural food (The Word), taught by a supernatural Teacher from a supernatural book. We are led by a supernatural Captain in right paths to assured victories.”

And indeed, the Bible is bursting with examples of people who ruled their time by leveraging on the supernatural. They achieved this by placing a demand on their covenant relationship with God. These people, though feeble by nature, manifested the glory of God in dimensions never experienced in their time.

How else would you explain the sudden unveiling of a young lad in ancient Israel? This teenage boy, relegated to the background by virtue of his youth and military inexperience, arrived on the scene and at once confronted an issue of national terror. In a short and swift move, this young boy took down the giant called Goliath. By now, you might have guessed that the boy in question is none other than David.

What is most interesting about that particular victory is that there has not been any logical argument to explain how a giant of Goliath’s magnitude was brought to his unexpected end, eliminated with a common stone. And the reason is simple: it was supernatural!

More than ever, I believe this year, like David, you will emerge.  And where you have enjoyed a measure of victory, God will take you higher. This year will be a season of birthing miraculous outcomes by placing a demand on The Covenant. In other words, the power of God to deliver will be unhindered. And it will come through you and for you.

All you need to do is agree with God. Think and speak in covenant terms. You were born to do great things. It is time to show up at the scene of your destiny. Despite natural circumstances, you will do exploits. You have a supernatural life. You are unstoppable.  It is your time. Nigeria is waiting for you. Nations will marvel at your accomplishments. The enemy will be vanquished.  And God will be glorified in your life, family and situations in Jesus’ name.

Welcome to 2016, your year of Supernatural Manifestation.

If you require counselling or want us to prayerfully agree with you, feel free to send me a mail at pastortaiwo@tfolc.org. I also encourage you to visit our websites www.tfolc.orgwww.discoveryforwomen.netwww.thewomanleader.org,www.ruthandboaz.org,
http://homeaffairs.tfolc.org, and www.discoveryformen.org for more articles and resources.

God bless you.
Pastor Taiwo Odukoya

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