2022 February

Becoming the Leader God has Called You to Be

Becoming the Leader God has Called You to Be

Think about it. You can only gain the cooperation of others or inspire them to achieve particular goals if they trust you. And people will only trust you to the extent that they believe in your integrity and competence. It is this trust deficit that has made leadership, or the lack of it, a growing challenge in recent times. This is why your role in the world today is crucial. You have something that puts you in good stead for leadership. You have the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.
Make Friends

Make Friends

We all need friends! They often provide the shock absorbers to cushion the effects of the many bumps of life. If we do not make conscious efforts to make new friends as we pass through life, we will soon find ourselves left alone. We often say and know to be true that one enemy is too many but a hundred friends are too few.