Excellence is not an accident; it is something you consciously and conscientiously work at. That is why there are always only a few people in every place who are obviously more prominent than others.
2022 January
By Admin Walking in Victory
God’s Promises are yea and amen in Christ Jesus. They are not for tomorrow, they are for you today. God’s favour is for you today. Reach out in faith and appropriate it. Do not let fear, anxiety and the seeming uncertainty of what tomorrow holds rob you of the possibilities available to you today in Christ Jesus. God has arisen. He has had mercy on you. He has favoured you. Do not see yourself any less than what you are...
By Admin Walking in Victory
The truth is, you have enough power in you to overcome the challenges of this natural plane; enough power to administer solutions to the problems that plague the world around you. Nothing convinces like results.
By Oladele Walking in Victory
It doesn’t matter where you have failed in the past or what obstacles you will confront, God will come through for you. His active involvement in your affairs will produce tangible outcomes. This might sound mysterious to some and far-fetched for others, but God will empower you to actualize all you have set your hearts to, as they conform with His will.
By Oladele Walking in Victory
Every New Year brings with it a general expectation of something new; something better. We come into each New Year expecting significant improvements and changes in our marriages, in the lives of our children, in our business, and careers. Also, we come into the New Year with renewed commitments to effect changes in our character. This is why we set goals and make resolutions.
By Oladele Relationship
Appreciation inspires a sense of worth and motivates people to do more. As Gary Henry said, “Expressing appreciation is like grease on the gears of a machine…it makes others do their work much better!” And true appreciation for others often eliminates destructive criticism, gossip and divisiveness.
By Admin Relationship
It has been said that the deepest of human needs is the need to be appreciated. Whether we are rich or poor, old or young, fat or slim, we yearn for appreciation. And when that yearning is satisfied, we practically bloom. That makes appreciation an essential element of human relationships.
By Admin Walking in Victory
If anyone has the capacity to blaze the trail and be the standard in every sphere of life, it is you...You are the difference the world is seeking. You can inspire people to change, one right word, one right action at a time. You are the light of the world. You influence the world.